Thanks for Parksville Classic Hockey tournament work

I would like to thank the organizers of the Parksville Classic Hockey Tournament, namely Al Rourke and Glenn Abbott, tournament chairmen

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers of the Parksville Classic Hockey Tournament, namely Al Rourke and Glenn Abbott, tournament chairmen, along with dozens of volunteers. Many members of the Parksville Golden Oldies Sports Association (PGOSA) and their wives, spent countless hours at the arena last week.

Some 400 players and wives invaded Parksville for the 16th annual old timers tournament. This event has been the most popular hockey tournament in the province over the years. The competition is incredible with four divisions ranging in ages from 60-75. Teams come from across Canada and the U.S.

The Panter hockey organization also stages a big tournament the second week in January. These two tournaments bring in close to a million dollars annually. Many players and their wives come early or stay a week longer to play golf and enjoy the Oceanside area. This is a huge economic boost for Parksville.

The organization would also like to thank the dozens of sponsors who support these tournaments each year. Without this type of community support the tournament would be impossible to stage.

Al GreirParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News