Thanks for the help

Quartet of Good Samaritans helped out woman in downtown Mission

Editor, The Record:

On Oct. 15 around 12:30 p.m., my mother-in-law took a fall in the back alley between James Street and Welton Avenue.

She fell and broke her wrist while trying to get up a couple of stairs. There were about four Good Samaritans who came to help her and keep her calm until the ambulance arrived. She is forever grateful to those who helped her and wanted to say thank you. As so does her family.

There are not a lot of people who rush to the aid of a stranger and these people did. Thank you very much! She is well. A bump on the head and a broken wrist.

But she can’t stop talking about those who helped. The paramedics also did a great job.

Judy Conner


Mission City Record