Thanks in order after a memorable 37 years

Great people at workplace and in the Langley community have made for many memorable moments.

As a 37-year career in community newspapers winds down this week, it’s time for me to thank all those who have made it possible.

First, I wish to thank all those who have passed on good wishes over the past few weeks, and in particular those who honoured me with their attendance at a retirement party last week at Langley Golf Centre. Many thanks to publisher Jean Hincks, incoming editor Brenda Anderson and assistant ad manager Kelly Myers in particular, for their hard work in organizing a very special event.

Second, many thanks to the great group of people I have worked with at The Times.

Brenda is taking over as editor. She has been here for all the time I’ve held this position, and a bit longer. She knows the community well and will do a great job.

Reporters Monique Tamminga and Gary Ahuja are both top-notch in their work, and well-connected in the community.

Reporter Dan Ferguson has been here for a shorter time than the others but has made his mark here. He is a news digger and also very good at taking photos.

Our newest reporter Miranda Gathercole is not a newcomer. She has worked here in the past, grew up in Langley and is a talented photographer and writer. She will be a great addition to the news team.

They’ve all been fun to work with on a day-to-day basis. We’ve had many adventures together, and they will do well in the future.

The other staff members in advertising, production and circulation work hard to ensure the newspaper and our website provide readers with a lot of very useful (and often unique) information. I appreciate all they do to make The Times a community news leader. They’re also great people.

Third, and most importantly, I wish to thank the people in Langley who make putting out a community newspaper and news website so fascinating. Langley has a very large core of people who are deeply committed to making this community better.

They don’t always agree on things, but that doesn’t stop them from doing their best to improve the community they live in and love.

I am including many names in this thank you, but my memory is fallible and there are many others who are equally praiseworthy. Thank you for all you do to make Langley so special.

Thanks to Sylvia Anderson, Gloria Doubleday, Navnit Shah, Marilyn Gabriel and Kevin Kelly, Bill Marr, Hugh Davis, Bev Dornan, Ellen Worrell, Roy Mufford, David Truman, Terry Smith, Dorothy McKim, Albert and Dorothy Anderson, Lynn Whitehouse, Joe and Siggy Weber, Warren and Bev Sommer, Kim Snow, Gail Martin, Karen Long, Irene McKaig, Darlene Johnston, Lilianne Fuller, Jim McGregor, Doris Riedweg, Tim and Edwina Lounsbury, Ron Lindsay, Sarwan Singh Randhawa, Rhys Griffiths, John Gordon, Jane Watt, Sonya Paterson, Shar Dubas, Mel Kositsky, George Miller, Elizabeth Johnson, Brian Thomasson, Brendan Martin, Michael and Elizabeth Pratt, Les Clay,  Leigh Castron,  Alice Johnson, Peter and Sandy Luongo, Troy Gaglardi, Helmut Boehm, Cecelia Reekie, Terry Metcalfe, Cathy Gibbs,  Howie Vickberg  (and many others).

Langley Times