Thanks Kayla

Watching Kayla Moleschi and her fellow rugby teammates compete at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio was an emotional experience.

Watching Kayla Moleschi and her fellow rugby teammates compete at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio was an emotional experience.

The women on the team are so strong and their camaraderie is equally as intense.

Paige Stewart’s  photograph depicting Kayla leaping into team mate Ghislaine Landry’s arms after the third try for Canada in the quarterfinal against France was worth 10,000 words.

The look on her face,  with every limb embracing Ghislaine showed how much love and enthusiasm Kayla has for the sport and her team.

That photo could be used for sport banners with the slogan “there is no I in team.”

This Saturday we have the opportunity to get close and personal with our own hometown Olympian as the community gathers to welcome her with a small parade and rugby festivities at Marie Sharpe Elementary School organized by the Williams Lake Rugby and Football Club and the City of Williams Lake.

Welcoming home an Olympian will probably be something new for the majority of us.

Kayla told her mom Andrea she’s nervous, and doesn’t know what to say to all the praise.

She can be certain there’ll be some of us just as nervous.

It is humbling to be in front of greatness, especially when the person who is so great is as down to earth as Kayla is.

You have made us proud woman.

You are a tribute to Williams Lake, an icon for rugby and an inspiration we will savour for many years to come.





— Williams Lake Tribune


Williams Lake Tribune