Thanks, Smithers

Editor Cameron Orr relates an anonymous letter he received.

[Published in print on Oct. 5]

Well Thanksgiving was Monday, which means, two days later, you must be really sick of your turkey leftovers. (Please forward all unwanted leftovers to the Interior News office, care of Cameron Orr …)

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I received an anonymous Letter to the Editor — well, at least, the author requested to go nameless — that was basically a glowing review of Smithers.

Our policy in the paper means we can’t print letters than are unsigned so I’m going to only slightly bend the rules and include here a rough idea of what the person wrote. I don’t do this often, but it’s Thanksgiving, so let’s go.

Firstly, the author thanks the community because, as they write, they notice that the community and everyone in it really pitches in to make foreigners feel at home. With a busy summer with fishermen and mining activities the community, the author writes, has done a lot.

While some businesses feel behind after such a busy season — no time to restock or catch up — the writer said “they continue to bend over backwards and this is why I want to say a thank you.”

The writer then lists off an extensive list of local businesses as examples of where to find the good service, and that is another thing which doesn’t usually get into a Letter to the Editor.

The list is, as I said, extensive, going from Telkwa up past the airport, so from the looks of things you could do no harm going to, really, any local business.

I hope sharing this gives you another thing to digest alongside home made stuffing and can-shaped cranberry sauce. (Sorry, there is really no other kind.)

Good service and helpful advice does go along way for the customers who seek out your service. They even write letters to the local paper about it.

So keep up the good work. You never know when the person you’re helping might make a good unofficial spokesperson for the Bulkley Valley when they get back home.

Cameron Orr is the editor of The Interior News.

Smithers Interior News