Thanks & Spanks

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Thanks to the gentleman who helped me untangle my dog’s tail from the leash.


Spanks to the people who throw their cigarette butts everywhere.


Thanks to the wonderful staff at the grocery store for going outside to look for my bank card after I dropped it getting into my car. You saved me a lot of headache getting a new one.


Big thanks to the two kind ladies (you know who you are) at the retail outlet who helped me set up my new fan. It’s customer service like this that makes the customers come back. Thanks again from one cool and happy customer.

Spanks to the doctor who is leaving town and did not inform her patients.


Spanks to the pathetic individual(s) who stole a garden ornament from our yard on July 12. It’s very sad that residents can’t try to beautify their yards without worrying things will be taken.



Castlegar News