Thanks, Surrey Christmas Bureau

Thanks, Surrey Christmas Bureau

Bravo to all involved in making each member of our community feel cared for and supported

I am a disabled older woman living in low-income housing Surrey. This year I heard from a few of my neighbours how the Surrey Christmas Bureau has helped them and I am so impressed and inspired.

These two families work so hard in our community – one is a single male earner in a family of six, the other is a single mom who works at a food court. They were in tears telling me how they received a Save-on-Foods gift card for groceries and were able to pick two things each for the children.

When I saw the recipients firsthand and up close, I truly realized what a huge help and blessing to economically stressed families the Christmas bureau is. I just want to say thank you to all of you who support this program in all the ways that it takes to bring this very precious help to these desperately needy, wonderful people.

Bravo to all involved in making each member of our community feel cared for and supported. I plan to gather what I can during 2014 to support this very lovely worthy cause. Thank you to the Surrey Christmas Bureau.


Katheren Szabo

Surrey Now Leader