Thanks to the editor

Writer shares her appreciation for recent editorial

Dear Editor,

Regarding the editorial that appeared in your newspaper April 3, 2013; I would like to say that I not only enjoyed it, but echo very much your sentiments in regards to this “Idle Talk”. After living in the area for over 10 years, I have experienced firsthand the damage gossip can cause, and how irresponsible the people that engage in it are. Mostly, individuals with no consciousness as to its effect, and if they are purposely trying to cause harm, they should be aware of something called: slander, to which they are liable in a court of law. In the past, myself and my friends have been victims of such talk, to which I most often refused to respond and give it any power. The important thing is to understand that actions speak louder than words and if we were to examine any individual’s actions, the truth is bound to come out sooner or later.

Thank you Lisa for your courage, and for the editorial.

Most sincerely, Marcels A. Toro Garland, Hedley BC


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