Thanks to those who helped save my husband’s life at Langley City bus loop

A lady at the bus stop called 911. I would like to thank her. She saved my spouse’s life.

Chris Lafrenier was beaten and robbed by two teens at the Langley City bus loop on Logan Avenue on Friday night. While they were soon arrested, he did not get his rent money back.

Chris Lafrenier was beaten and robbed by two teens at the Langley City bus loop on Logan Avenue on Friday night. While they were soon arrested, he did not get his rent money back.

Editor: My spouse was attacked at the Langley bus loop on Friday by two young guys. His harness and the gear for his job were stolen. He was beaten to a pulp.

He has a broken nose, concussion, stitches over the eyebrow, broken teeth, a minor fracture to the jaw and eyes so swollen he can’t see. He will most likely be unable to work for quite a while.

A lady at the bus stop called 911. I would like to thank her. She saved my spouse’s life.

The police were able to recover his gear, which for an iron worker adds up quickly, and apprehend two suspects. We are waiting to hear if they got the right guys.

Again, I would like to thank the lady who called police, scared the thugs off and most likely saved his life, as he already had injuries to the brain.

I wish all the best to those who helped my hubby and wish all the best to those who have encountered the same experience while at the Langley bus loop.

Lauren Blair,


Langley Times