The 2013 To Do List so far…

Failing to uphold a New Years Resolution is not the end of the world... At least, not today it isn't.

How’s 2013 been for you so far? Did you make a resolution or two? Make up your mind that this was going to be The Year that your succeeded in your resolution(s)?

I made several. Yup. Made a list. Even sub-divided it among “personal”, “job”, “quilting”… (Oh no, I forgot to add “No fabric purchases for 2013!”)

Have I succeeded in any of them yet? C’mon, we’re barely past the first week of January.

Have I broken any of them yet? Yeah.

But that’s okay. I learned a long time ago when I was trying to quit smoking that it takes several attempts to change a big lifestyle habit. The trick is to keep trying. Pick yourself up and get back on the wagon.

I look at New Years Resolutions as more of a To Do List. If you don’t get it done today, it’ll get done tomorrow. No biggie.

Maybe the one resolution everyone should make is to lighten up; be easier on ourselves when we fail. We all fail at this and that because we’re human. It’s how we handle those failures that determine whether we’ll ever succeed.

If you’ve made a list of resolutions, it’s always a good idea to put a few on it that are easily accomplished. Anyone who’s made a To Do List knows that trick – Eat Breakfast. Check. Go to Work. Check. Nothing like success to encourage us onward. Makes working on the hard things a little easier.

In fact, case in point – right here before your eyes. On my list of resolutions was to write my editorials on Friday and not wait until the last minute on Tuesday, which I am doing right at this very moment.

Truth is, old habits die real hard, and although I’ve been thinking about this for several days, it’s only now that I have one hour left before all of the pages need to be finished that I am actually writing this.

Thank goodness there’s next week to make good on my resolution. Or, at least, I’m expecting to be here again next week. I haven’t heard anymore End of the World dates, although I’m sure we haven’t heard the end of that.

Wendy Coomber is editor of the Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal