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Most advocates of amalgamation appear to be from the City of Vernon

Most advocates of amalgamation appear to be from the City of Vernon. These people claim that savings will accrue because of the lack of duplication that would result from amalgamation.

This assumption  of cost savings is not based on any factual information that I have ever seen. This argument cannot be used as a legitimate reason for amalgamation, unless hard evidence can be produced, which is very unlikely to be brought forward.

Currently, the areas of Greater Vernon divide up their services and costs between jurisdictions for the benefit of all parties. There is no inefficiency here.

The bottom line is: Most residents of the regional district and Coldstream are proud to be part of Greater Vernon, and are happy to participate in the costs and responsibilities that are hopefully fair to all residents.

However, they also wish to remain in their own communities, and participate in a more rural way of life, and be involved in their local government.

I would ask that the proponents of amalgamation respect this wish.

Neil Woolliams



Vernon Morning Star