The difference one boy can make

Thank you, Mackie (in reference to the story “From the heart” in the Dec. 20 edition of the Abbotsford News).

Thank you, Mackie (in reference to the story “From the heart” in the Dec. 20 edition of the Abbotsford News).

One nine-year-old boy can make a difference and that’s exactly what Mackenzie Cameron has done.

With the support, help and encouragement from his mother and father, Melissa and Alan, and his twin sisters, Sasha and Bella, the help Jaden and I have received has been incredible.

Mackenzie’s school, Sandy Hill elementary, knows the loss of a student to Cystic Fibrosis. When they heard about Mackie wanting to help, they truly made a difference and came together as a family for a family.

I can’t properly express my thanks to the parents, students and faculty of Sandy Hill Elementary. I am so incredibly overwhelmed by what you have all have done for Jaden and me. Thank you.

Melissa and I have both received many letters and e-mails from community members who have wished to help. Children who gave their last $5, to people who have donated the last of their paycheques. Jaden’s own school, Ten Broeck Elementary, and several parents and staff from there as well, have contributed to help pay for Jaden’s medical needs.

Thank you, to all of you.

Thank you to The Abbotsford News for publishing such a beautiful story, and thank you to Breakfast Television for telling that story as well – the story of the boys’ friendship and Mackenzie’s “What friends are for” fundraiser.

Although Jaden’s health needs are continuing, and he is back in Children’s Hospital, I thank you all for everything you have done to make things a bit easier for us in so many ways.

Lastly, to the Cameron family, Mackie, Melissa, Sasha, Bella and Alan, we love you all and thank you for everything that you have done for us. You are a truly beautiful family. I truly wish I could find a better way to express it. Thank you to the whole community!

Kathleen Palmer

Abbotsford News