New normal graphic, 2021. Photo credit: geralt/Pixabay

The Editor’s Desk: Getting back to normal

COVID-19 restrictions are set to start loosening; take this quiz to find out how you'll do

Some restrictions on travel, dining, and public gatherings are set to be lifted on June 15, with more freedom coming on July 1. After 15 months, this is welcome news, but Dr. Bonnie Henry is warning that we can’t let down our guard just yet. What kind of careful COVID planner are you? Take this handy quiz and find out!

1) You’re planning your first post-June 15 dinner out in a restaurant. Will you a) stick with the same family group you’ve been dining with since last March, because you don’t feel comfortable expanding your bubble just yet; b) go out with a few friends who’ve all been vaccinated; c) go out with a few friends, don’t ask if they’ve been vaccinated, and sit on the patio just to be safer; d) head to whatever restaurant is the first one to open its buffet.

2) Speaking of getting vaccinated, you a) booked your second vaccine within 10 minutes of getting a message saying you were eligible; b) booked your second vaccine within 48 hours of getting a message; c) will probably forget to book your second vaccine, then show up at the clinic as a walk-in and hope for the best; d) really need to look at getting that first vaccine at some point.

3) There is talk about vaccine passports being introduced. You think that a) they’re an excellent idea; b) there are things to be said on both sides of the question; c) it will just be one more thing to lose track of; d) vaccine passports mean we’re one step closer to living in Nazi Russia.

4) Attendance at sporting events might soon be allowed. Will you a) continue to watch sports on TV; b) think carefully about whether to attend in person; c) go, but spend most of your time on the concourse drinking beer; d) [sings] “Take me out to the ball game / Take me out to the crowd …”

5) On a similar note, movie theatres might soon be reopening. You plan to a) wait until you’re sure it’s safe; b) bookmark a really good movie you’ve been waiting for and make that your first in-cinema film; c) bookmark a really good movie you’ve been waiting for, miss its theatrical run, and catch it on Netflix; d) be there opening night for a big blockbuster, because those movies are best watched with a crowd.

6) Most people could use a holiday right about now. Will you a) stay in a cabin where you can still keep contact with others to a minimum if you have to; b) go camping, because at least you’re outdoors; c) stay in a hotel as long as it has a pool and fitness room; d) book that cruise you’ve always wanted to go on, because there are some great deals out there.

7) Your child’s birthday is coming up, and since last year’s party was just the family, this year you’re going to a) have a few of your child’s closest friends over for an outdoor party; b) have a few of your child’s closest friends over for an indoor party; c) have a few of your child’s closest friends and their parents over for a party, and decide where depending on the weather; d) invite your child’s whole class over for a party, and their parents, because you’ll need help with all those kids.

8) Masks might soon be optional, depending on the circumstances. You’re going to a) still wear a mask indoors, just to be safe; b) still carry a mask everywhere, and wear it as necessary; c) if I could find a mask I’d wear it but I’m always losing them; d) burn all your masks as soon as possible and never wear one again.

How did you do? If you scored mostly (a), you’re perhaps a bit on the cautious side, but that’s okay. If you scored mostly (b), you’re striking about the right balance. If you scored mostly (c), you might want to pay a bit more attention to Dr. Henry’s media briefings. If you scored mostly (d), at least you’ve decided not to waste any time getting back to normal.

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