The egg war continues


In response to Dean Fulton’s column, the war on eggs, Tribune Viewpoints, Tuesday, April 5:


In response to Dean Fulton’s column, the war on eggs, Tribune Viewpoints, Tuesday, April 5:

Are we entering into a life where we have no freedom of choice whatsoever?

Seems we are dictated to and told what we can and cannot do in every walk of life.

Why can we not have the opportunity to eat what we choose, such as farm-fresh eggs?

As long as I can remember, farm-fresh eggs, meat, poultry, vegetables, and Mother Nature’s cures have been the best for us all.

Farm-fresh eggs are chemical free, the chickens that lay these eggs have not been injected with hormones or steroids, and they have not been force fed, such as the chickens that are laying the eggs that we are forced to buy.

It is said over and over again, buy local, support local business, but the local businesses are not allowed to sell local farm-fresh eggs.

This seems like communism to me.

Many eggs come from hens that are kept in tiny, little cages so small that the hen can barely stand up.

These hens are fed chemicals and injected with all kinds of things to make them grow faster so they can produce more eggs.

But this is supposed to be healthier for us. What is happening to our society?

Seems good sense has gone out the window to make way for chemicals and steroids.

We all need to stand up for our rights and refuse to buy store-bought eggs, chemically-raised beef, pork, and chickens, and maybe then the farmers will be able to sell their healthy eggs and other products.

I will not be trading in my farm-fresh eggs for chemically raised ones any time soon.

June Kunka

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune