The fire and shadows

Editor: For some it's the fire and shadows. For others, fast heat and quick pain. Two were gone in a heartbeat, yet 19 plus still remain.


For some it’s the fire and shadows. For others, fast heat and quick pain. Two were gone in a heartbeat, yet 19 plus still remain.

For three seconds, you live in a fireball, for three more a wrecked train. Babine was six seconds and a life time. Yet the seconds are faceted, cut diamond hard.

For me this seems all too hollow, for like the numbness just before stitches, I’d feel better if I could share some of the pain. I’ll not let Babine be my nightmare, our families and friends deserve more. I use those two lines as a mantra.

It works, but like wine, I am not sure. Our injured are slowly returning. One more only needs to come home.

There’s many ways to climb mountains, for each we must find our own.

Ernie Nesbitt

Burns Lake


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