For as little as $50, you can own one square foot of the proposed Nelson outdoor skatepark.

For as little as $50, you can own one square foot of the proposed Nelson outdoor skatepark.

The fruits of Nelson’s pride

It’s gratifying to be part of a community that comes together for a cause.

It’s gratifying to be part of a community that comes together for a cause. A pledge to make life better in your own backyard is something the large majority of folks in the Nelson region have taken.

The proof is all around us.

The most massive effort in recent years is the CT scanner. In less than two years, the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation raised more than a million dollars to bring enhanced health care to our area. It was a mammoth accomplishment that showed what is possible from such a small burg.

The CT scanner might stand out as an historical effort, but when you look around it’s easy to find evidence of many others. The Nelson library expansion, Rotary Lakeside Park playground, Lions Park spray park, the waterfront pathway… the list is long. All of these recent projects had a common link: community pride.

When it comes to fundraising for projects big and small, there is never a void. Once a service club or organization reaches its funding goal, there’s another waiting for support.

On page 3 of today’s paper we have thrown a spotlight on yet another worthwhile effort — the outdoor skatepark. With an infusion of $400,000 from the provincial government, the group that’s been working hard to make this much needed facility a reality has been thrust closer to its ultimate goal. Now they need to feel the pride in community that Nelson has shown many times over.

The “1 square foot” campaign is an excellent opportunity to get involved. For $50 you can help provide another important outlet for our youth. It’s a small price to pay for such a big legacy to recreation.

Like all the other efforts in the past, it’s an investment you can be proud of every time you wander by and see the kids enjoying the fruits of community pride.





Nelson Star