The health care system needs an overhaul

The biggest cost to the health system is about to happen and not one province is ready.

The Health Care system is failing – therefore an immediate review is needed of the Canada Health Act.

The discussion regarding the transfer payments is a non-item when comes to dealing with the Canada Health Act.

A major review has not been done.

Also, the biggest cost to the health system is about to happen and not one province is ready.

That is the wave of Alzheimer patients.

A user fee needs to be immediately implemented in all hospitals across Canada.

The current deficits would almost be non-existent.

Hospitals in some Canadian cities are not providing good patient care.

One example is the number of beds for patients in hospital hallways and other areas. Having experienced this recently as a patient in hospitals in both New Westminster and Surrey.

I saw it firsthand.

A major accident could be on the horizon.

Where is the Canadian Council on Accreditation when it comes to the above?

As, an ex-administrator in the health system, I believe I know what I am talking about.

Politicians: Stop talking about transfer payments and start dealing with the real problems in health care.


Ron Watson


Surrey Now Leader