The height of arrogance


Re: West Beach residents seek bylaw change, March 28.


Re: West Beach residents seek bylaw change, March 28.

We, the residents of the Mainsail, are all completely mystified by the actions of White Rock city council.

What power do citizens have?

The city is currently in the midst of adopting new zoning bylaws, which they claim to be minor changes and mostly housekeeping.

While this is true to some degree, it certainly is not for the new CR-3 zoning that is being introduced to cover the West Beach business area directly in front of our property,  where we are paying a premium tax levy to White Rock city for the view of the ocean, with changes being introduced that will have ramifications for years to come.

The zoning would allow buildings along this strip to be much taller and have greater density. Why would the City of White Rock want to increase the density in this area and build taller buildings to block views? What benefit would this achieve?

At the recent public hearing, there was a huge turnout of citizens questioning the wisdom and truth about this new zoning bylaw. Does this council concern themselves more with the well-being and value of the properties owned by the business community or by all the citizens of White Rock?

Please stop this arbitrary altering of the bylaws to give the few powerful beneficiaries the advantage.

Karl Gregg, White Rock

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When council makes decisions that clearly harm a majority of residents, in favour of a developer who resides in an area other than White Rock, they in turn show absolutely no respect for the very people who have elected them to guide and protect the interests of the citizens.

With few exceptions, developers of houses, highrises and commercial buildings reside in areas other than White Rock, yet council will allow them to come into our community and run council as they see fit.

The city in the past has given a high priority to protecting the views of its residents; thousands of homes have been built following guidelines that protect the views of the people who reside behind the development.

Council now wants to allow developers to destroy these views.

One reason White Rock is a desirable place to live is its unobstructed views from many of its homes. If this council cannot protect the views of its residents, then they should be replaced.

Just for your information, I do not have a view but I believe in respect.

John Campbell, White Rock



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