The hugs have it, 9-4

HUGS: Many hugs to the lady who returned my purse and bag.

The hugs have it, 9-4

HUGS: Many hugs to the lady who returned my purse and bag. – Grateful from the bottom of my heart

HUGS: To the nice old doggie who I accidentally ran right into with the baby stroller at Oso the other day. Sorry!

HUGS: Big hugs to the Nelson Pilots Association, the sponsors and volunteers for a spectacular Nelson Flightfest 2014! Well done!

HUGS: To the developer. You’re going to need them. Looks like mud and smells like crap where you are. – Sincerely Karma, Your Neighbour and Nature

HUGS: To wonderful friends and neighbours who have made it possible for my daughter and I to come home, and start healing. What an incredible community this is.

SLUGS: To the guy who openly urinated on a tree at a local business last Saturday afternoon and the woman who claimed he was “just watering it.” Disgusting. Grow up.

HUGS: To the very nice young man who found my cell phone in a store parking lot and returned it safely, even offering to go out of his way to deliver it back to me and refusing a reward.

HUGS: To all those who helped make the Thunder in the Valley air show happen. What a wonderful event for all to enjoy! Let’s hope the Nelson airport remains alive and well for many years to come.

SLUGS: To the person in the van driving on the North Shore into town at 10 p.m. that threw a lit cigarette out the window. That is a recipe for disaster no matter where you are at this time of year!

HUGS: To a garage staff in Nelson. After leaving my car with them, the mechanic drove me to my work, delivered my car a few hours later, sat down with me and was very honest about what he thought was the matter. I felt royally treated, not taken advantage of, as it happened many times before. It really made my day. Thank you.

HUGS: A super giant hug to the young man who stopped to help my choking son and I in a park on Wednesday. You helped immeasurably in a very stressful situation, and I appreciate that you took the time to stop. You were gone before I go the chance to properly thank you, so I hope that you get this. We very much thank you.

SLUGS: To all the motorboat operators who drive close to public beaches. I was hoping to have a nice, quiet, relaxing, enjoyable time on the beach at Lakeside Park, but all I could hear was the huge engines of all these yahoos showing off their speed boats. I felt like I was in some kind of resort for teenagers. The air was thick with the stench of engines. Please grow up, take your polluting motor toys elsewhere!

SLUGS: To the business where I stored my stuff for the past three years, always paying rent on time. A month ago I discovered that mice had eaten through many of my nice things. I asked for symbolic compensation but was told that there are mice in every storage unit, accused of storing food (which is not true) and told that insurance will cover the damage. No consideration of my art, antiques, and sentimental Christmas gift.

Nelson Star