‘The insatiable beast within’

The very same was done to the women’s centre in Pitt Meadows after it had done tremendous good in our community for more than 13 years.

CEED Centre society executive director Christian Cowley says house busted for drugs causing problems in area.

CEED Centre society executive director Christian Cowley says house busted for drugs causing problems in area.

Editor, The News:

Re: Sad situation in Port Haney (Letters, March 22).

Allowing the law to be used in this manner to eliminate this simple street ministry is plainly unjust and harms us all.

I don’t know what’s wrong with the people who instigate such harm on those in need and onto those who want to help them, all of whom are no less than the rest of us.

The very same was done to the women’s centre in Pitt Meadows after it had done tremendous good in our community for more than 13 years.

The egos that belong to the instigators of this destruction must be absolutely voracious. What a burden they must carry, dealing with the insatiable beast within. They seem to turn good and nice things upside down, just because they can.

Notice these same seem to encourage the concentration of charities and any goodwill voluntary organization into one location. Especially if the location can be controlled in some way by the municipality.

This seems to make the process of destroying them much easier and only aids those callous individuals in their game.

Remember that once they have their target, it’s child’s play for them to drum up some kind of perceived infraction, whether it be justified or not.

Gail Neufeld

Maple Ridge


Steely resolve

Editor, The News:

Re: Sad situation in Port Haney (Letters, March 22).

Having lived in this area for over a decade and experienced the difficulties of dealing with these loser drug elements, I understand the frustrations of a home owner who sits on council.

I was co-manager at a building in the area and had to deal with drug dealers repeatedly.

I took a very different approach in dealing with these individuals, though.

In a period of five years, I had three drug dealers booted out, one of whom was used, abused and later murdered by these despicable drug gangs.

It was not easy and some of these losers try and intimidate you, but you have to stand firm with steely resolve.

I understand what Coun. Al Hogarth has gone through, and know it is not easy to deal with these types of people, when you use the legal process. These people know how to manipulate the legal system big-time, and many of them have been doing it for all their lives.

We need to realize the potential of this area, and to do this we need a zero tolerance for these drug dealers and their clientele.

It’s time to quit being a magnet for all of these losers, drawing them to our area with the promise of free food.

And don’t give me this bleeding heart crap about caring for the needy. I grew up in incredible poverty with gangs and drug dealers hounding me daily in my neighbourhood to join them. I choose to not to associate with them, but instead have worked hard  since the age of 12 to make a better life for myself.

People make choices in their lives: some choose to work hard and be law-abiding citizens; others choose to be losers and expect everyone else to pay their way.

That’s the reality of the world in which we live, and it’s time for our city to choose what type of community we want to have.

John E. McKenzie

Maple Ridge


Time to step up

Editor, The News:

Re: Sad situation in Port Haney (Letters, March 22).

I have read with interest the articles on the Port Haney problems around the CEED Centre and St. Anne’s Avenue.

I applaud both Christian Cowley and Tyler Ducharme and his wife for their efforts, even though they may be at logger heads with each other.

A sad situation there. I wish it could be improved.

In 2007, I underwent surgery for a ruptured abdominal aorta. Four months in hospital and nine months on recovery with the nurses from home support, then I was feeling better.

What next, I thought. I had always loved growing veggies and flowers, so I found out about the CEED Centre and visited with Mr. Cowley. I needed something to give me a purpose now that I was able.  I wanted to get my hands and soul into the dirt and see the results.

I hit it at the right time, got my gardening boxes at the CEED Centre and was off and running.

During that time, I was fortunate to meet Mr. Ducharme and his wife, Marilyn They were a nice young couple who did backyard gardening.  We had many chats.

Yes, the homeless and the addicts and prostitutes were a problem on various days.  The prostitutes I handled, told them I was gay, which is not true. They left me alone.

The homeless raided the garden on occasions, but that is okay – we all have to eat.

The ones that were spaced out wandered through the corn stalks and tramped them down, I could handle that and felt sorry for them.  Corn is cheap at a roadside stand.  All in all, I was doing what I loved.

Mr. Cowley and Mr. Ducharme accommodated me in every way and for that I will be forever thankful.

I am now located in another area, which I am very happy with, thanks to Mr. Cowley for the opportunity.

This year I am sharing with a young person in his 20s who wants to grow his veggies.  It does not get any better than that.

Coun. Al Hogarth and Mr. Cowley have been throwing out barbs about the drug house and many articles have been written.

Having gardened down there for years, I must say to Mr. Hogarth: step up to the plate, do what you were hired to do and shut this damn drug house down.

You need a wake up call. This is not all about you.

Bob Kerfoot

Maple Ridge



Editor, The News:

Re: A good meal (News Views, March 22).

I find it hypocritical for Maple Ridge to blame those volunteers who are donating their time and effort towards helping those less fortunate by providing meals to the homeless through a non-profit group.

As pointed out in the opinion section, Coun. Al Hogarth could be more responsible by getting rid of his trouble tenants who occupy his rental property and are no doubt causing the problems that both he, and if I understand correctly, the mayor of Maple Ridge, Ernie Daykin, are blaming on the Ceed Centre’s clients.

Leigha Watson

Maple Ridge

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