The Liberals disrespect democracy

Maureen Foss's letter says the B.C. government shouldn't be ramming through bills in the legislature on the last day.


I’m appalled at this Liberal government ramming through the bills in the legislature on the last day.

The government’s and opposition’s job is to govern and govern with respect.

They should finish the job they are well paid to do before giving themselves the summer, and perhaps the fall, to take a break.

In a regular nine-to-five job if the work you were assigned to do wasn’t done, you’d be fired.

The 124-page PST bill, which should have been gone over line-by-line, was rushed through, but not implemented until next April, just in time for the election.

The return to the PST was voted upon by the electorate in June 2011 and will not be in effect until April 2013, some 20 months later.

The Liberals do not respect democracy. It’s therefore no wonder governments are one of the least trusted institutions.


Maureen Foss

Lac La Hache

Williams Lake Tribune