The life of a small town reporter

Well this has been my first week as the only reporter and I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty busy. I did a lot of stories and talked to a lot of people and as slightly stressful as it was, I must admit I kind of like it too.

This week I went to my first Town Council Meeting. Granted I had no clue what was going on most of the time, I did my best to keep up and learned quite a bit while there.

I learn something from every story I do. Whether it’s APES kids planting seeds to a feature on the Buffalo Ranch (which made me fall in love with buffalo I might add)- I learn something from every experience.

When I talked to different business owners and volunteers in town, they always have the same answer for doing what they do – contributing to the community and becoming involved. My job is no different. I am lucky because my job allows me to be involved with everything that is happening. I get to see locals in their niches and see people excel in what they love every day. I learn so much about not only the town but the people in it as well.

This couldn’t be any more true than with the Buzz the Fuzz event that happened at Golden Seconday School last Friday. Students raised money so that they would be given the chance to shave a police officer’s head – something I think a lot of people would love to see. But the students weren’t doing it just to shave a head, they were helping out Constable Michael Hull who is raising money for the Cops for Kids ride – a 1000km bike ride. But it went even farther than this- everyone, the cops, students, teachers and various community members were all coming together for this cause to help out a local family with two daughters who need heart surgery and a heart transplant.

It goes to show that this community looks out for each other and can come together for an amazing cause. I am inspired by the work people in Golden are willing to put in for the things they believe in, it’s just another reason why I love this town.

Golden Star