The need for a business-friendly council

The Summerland Chamber of Commerce is doing our part to contribute to the conversation around the coming Municipal election.

The Summerland Chamber of Commerce is doing our part to contribute to the conversation around the coming Municipal election.

While we don’t lend our support to any particular candidate for public office, we do take stands on issues that are important to the business community, and we promote business-friendly policies on all levels of government.

So why is a business friendly council important?  Coming from the Chamber President, that question could seem self-serving.  But let’s think about it for a moment.  When a new business comes to town, how are we in the community affected?  Many ways.

The business will first provide local jobs and the business as well as its employees will pay taxes.  It may be the catalyst for repaired or improved infrastructure- roads, sewers, water or electric.   It will bring other people into Summerland because of the additional goods and services being offered.  More people leads to higher school enrollments, additional stores, greater cultural amenities, rejuvenated recreational facilities, more parks and increased housing options, all of which can bring in even more citizens and businesses and jobs.

It’s very important that our elected representatives share this understanding and prioritize community growth.  This is the key way that Summerland will thrive in the coming years.

There are a number of ways that residents can learn what our candidates are thinking.  The Chamber is asking questions of candidates and posting their answers on our website at  The Summerland Review is also asking questions as is the Summerland Arts Council.  Both of those organizations are also publishing answers on their websites, and in the case of the Review, here in the paper.

The Summerland Chamber and the Summerland Review are also co-hosting the All-Candidates forum on Tuesday, November 4 in the Summerland Secondary gym.  Please note the doors open at 6:00 with speakers beginning at 6:30 pm.  Chairs will be set up on the gym floor and ample additional seating is available in the bleachers.  Please drop off your questions at the Chamber office or at the Review by tomorrow or email them to or no later than Nov. 2.  The forum Moderator, Wilfred Barranoik, and John Arendt at the Summerland Review will choose the questions or create a representative question if there are multiple questions around the same topic.

We look forward to seeing many residents at the forum and working with a strong and committed council in the coming years.

We always appreciate your feedback.  Please contact me at or Christine Petkau at

Arlene Fenrich is president of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce.  All of the members of the board of directors serve as volunteers.


Summerland Review