

The new normal is just the old normal on steroids!

I believe this "scamdemic" could very well be one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the world.

The new normal is just the old normal on steroids!

I believe that many of us agree with the letter writer who recently said, “Let’s not return to the old normal,” as it was “failing its people as well as the planet.” But in the past few days, as I’ve watched “phase two” unfold, It looks as if the new normal is just the old normal on steroids!

I noticed my favourite second hand store had reopened and stopped to check it out. After waiting in a lineup outside, I eventually made it to the front door where I encountered an employee wearing a face shield. He handed me a mask and indicated that I could not enter without it. When I refused and began to walk away, the employee, with a look of terror in his eyes, exclaimed in a panicked voice, “but there’s covid everywhere!” I’m sure the globalist wolves must be snickering at how easily “the flock” is manipulated by fear.

First of all, COVID is NOT everywhere. Secondly, trying to stop a virus with a paper mask is like trying to stop a mosquito with chicken wire. Thirdly, masks create a warm, moist environment around the mouth and nose, which is the perfect breeding ground for germs. Many who were required to wear masks daily at their jobs are coming down with lung infections. Furthermore, I see the mask as a badge of subservience to the globalists’ “New World Normal.”

Now, I’ve resented the old normal my entire adult life. I’ve watched the “totalitarian tiptoe” slowly but surely eroding our freedom, one baby step at a time. This is how our controllers use orchestrated terror to convince us to give up our rights in exchange for their “protection.” But with COVID-19, the tiptoe has accelerated to a quick-paced goose step marching us straight towards total enslavement.

After all the “predictive programming” in the hordes of zombie virus apocalypse movies, the current virus “scare” came as no surprise to me. I believe the powers that be have been weaponizing animal viruses for human depopulation since the 1918 Spanish Flu. So when a “novel” coronavirus supposedly jumped out of a bowl of bat soup in China, I figured they’d finally gone and released “the big one.” But as the “facts” began to emerge, it became obvious to me that the virus was not for depopulation, but simply a disguise for their global power grab.

While Canadians were in an unconstitutional “lockdown” and could not protest, the harmful 5G control grid was being installed. Our right to have firearms was taken away without any public or parliamentary discussion and our right to informed consent is being threatened with mandatory vaccinations. Our freedom of speech, our children’s right to education, our right to pursue gainful employment and our freedom of mobility were also violated. While medical professionals focused on “the invisible enemy” all other health conditions were sidelined. But worst of all, the manufactured panic has caused us to unnecessarily fear our fellow human beings.

I believe this “scamdemic” could very well be one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the world. Prove me wrong!

David Work

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen