The power of language

People from across the West Boundary dined out to support the BCSS Grade 11/12 French class exchange trip to Quebec.



The Boundary communities came through big on Monday night by filling both the Midway hall and their bellies at the spaghetti dinner put on to help send the BCSS Grade 11/12 French Class off for a week-long field trip to Quebec.

The parking lot was full and the hall even more so. The students going on the trip signed the placemats used at the spaghetti dinner. Several wrote that the trip wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the community.

It isn’t a one-way street either. Later this year the Boundary will play host to a group coming from Quebec, and the Boundary will be richer for it too. The local kids will gain experience and insight that will be of benefit to both themselves personally and the wider community in which we all live.

A story will illustrate the benefit of getting out and about more.

Several years ago a local rancher needed a trip to Vancouver to pick up some supplies.

The farmer took along his daughter’s teenage boyfriend on the trip. They found themselves driving down Oak Street at about 7:30, maybe a quarter to eight in the morning.

It was the young boyfriends’ first trip to the city and his eyeballs were just about popping out of his head and he kept muttering, “I don’t believe it!”

Finally the farmer asked him, “What’s so unbelievable?”

“All of the hookers here in the city,” said the young fellow.

It took a minute to twig onto what he meant, but the farmer soon enough came back with, “Look a little closer there, kid. All those women are standing next to poles with a sign at the top that says Bus Stop.”

Exchange trips are invaluable.


Boundary Creek Times