The real cause of problems at Davis Road crossing is the drivers

Bart Vogelzang of Ladysmith agrees with last week's letter about the Davis Road crossing but says the scope is much bigger.


I couldn’t agree more with Katie and Moses Heffring’s letter about the Davis Road crossing, but the scope of the problem is actually much greater.

Davis Road onto the highway southbound has a “merge lane” that cannot be accessed if more than two cars are waiting to cross. This piles up cars behind the light, many of which don’t really need to be there. The road needs to be widened at this point.

There is a dedicated left turn light installed for northbound traffic, but it is not activated, so left-turning vehicles have to wait as cars go straight across from Chemainus Road. Again, this causes problems as they try to madly dash left whenever the opportunity presents itself and often fail to notice pedestrians in the process.

Simply activating the advance left northbound would help a lot.

The whole approach to the intersection, from both north and south, is rampant with speeding, and I’ve nearly been hit from behind despite travelling a little beyond the speed limit.

Driving the limit gets you honks, finger waving and erratic lane changes around you.

It’s like a racetrack, and while a lower limit would be good, it really requires greater enforcement. Maybe one of those automated speed indication signs on both sides would help.

Sadly though, when all is said and done, it is the rush, inattentiveness and discourtesy of many drivers that is the real cause of many of these issues.

Bart Vogelzang



Ladysmith Chronicle