The risks of shipping

Witnessing a ship in distress showed what could happen in harbour.

Editor: In the fall of 2006, my buddy and I were salmon fishing off the mouth of the Capilano River.

We noticed a huge loaded freighter exiting Burrard Inlet, and entering the First Narrows towards the Lions Gate Bridge.

To our astonishment, the freighter suddenly veered off course and headed for the shoreline off Stanley Park.

It dropped both of its huge anchors to slow it down, but it still beached itself on the rocks. Apparently, the steering mechanism malfunctioned.

Had this freighter sailed a few hundred yards further, and with a higher tide, it could have crashed into the first pier of the Lions Gate Bridge.

The result would have been disastrous, and the cargo of this freighter was not oil.

A note to Enbridge: Save your advertising dollars. No one on this coast is buying it.

W. Vavra,


Langley Times