The snare of growth

We have to leave the common think-pattern behind and start to re-think what is beneficial for sustaining life on the Peninsula and beyond.

A global ecological crisis is inevitable. Exploitation of resources —including land resources —is a world-wide problem. We have exploited the earth’s resources and through pollution endangered life on earth.

When will we wake up? Short-lived gain will soon be seen as a loss that never can be recovered. To follow the common trend of so-called progress is very shortsighted.

We can’t ignore the writing on the wall any longer. We can’t ignore the environmental danger of growth at all cost. Higher density inevitably leads to more problems.

To bring more density to North Saanich without listening to residents’ concerns is not acceptable. Concerns of residents go far beyond NIMBYism. Our resources are limited and so is growth. If we continue the path of fast growth we are destroying what was meant to keep us alive.

We have to resist the growth pressure and start to reflect about the consequences. The OCP has to become again a document that can lead us into the future. North Saanich could become a leader in responsible land use instead of pushing through more density for short-term gain.

We have to leave the common think-pattern behind and start to re-think what is beneficial for sustaining life on the Peninsula and beyond.

Hildegard Horie

North Saanich



Peninsula News Review