The summer countdown is on again

Andrea Klassen's editorial for the week of August 17.

In some ways, it was a quiet week for the Columbia Valley. And by that, we mean in summer ways. There were no bouncy castles, no marathon fundraisers, no air guitar competitions or sailboat races.

But as summer starts to wind down, the gears of fall have started to turn.

The week brought another set of announcements for the November municipal elections, this time from our Electoral Area Directors.

It also brought word of several major projects that will develop as the leaves start to turn: a possible water system for the community of Dry Gulch, and a plan that could put Canal Flats in charge of its own snow plowing — if there’s anything that says ‘not summer,’ it’s a snow removal story. On an equally chilly note, Columbia Valley Rockies hopefuls will hit the ice again in a couple weeks for another recruitment session.

All that, combined with the date at the top of the paper (the 17th already?), make it easy to wonder where the last couple months have gone, and how they managed it so quickly.

But there’s still a bit of life left to the summer of 2011, and over the next several weeks it’s worth celebrating another busy season completed.

Now’s the time to take in the last of the fun days, make a few more trips to one of the valley’s great beaches, or check out a good hiking trail you’ve been meaning to get to.

And at the same time, if you feel like celebrating the return of fall instead, why not check up on your Rockies on the August 26 weekend, or start prepping your pointed questions for those local political hopefuls? The Windermere Fall Fair is looking for a few good living scarecrows for its annual parade, so dedicating the next few weeks of summer to finding the best pair of overalls is also an option.

One thing’s for sure: there may be fewer bouncy castles in fall, but this valley isn’t about to get less interesting.

Invermere Valley Echo