There are better places to spend a quarter of a million dollars

First let me express my dismay at the stated $250K price tag for installing traffic control lights at Petersen and 14th

First let me express my dismay at the stated $250K price tag for installing traffic control lights at Petersen and 14th.

I would like to assume that any astute council would challenge that cost and demand a cost review and/or a second opinion.

Second, let me throw in my support for Mayor Jakeway’s challenge to this proposal and for questioning the need for traffic control lights at that intersection. Although I am not a traffic engineer, my opinion is that there are many other intersections in Campbell River that are in greater need for traffic control lights than Petersen and 14th. If there truly is a traffic safety problem at this intersection wouldn’t installing a four-way stop be a much cheaper and just as effective a solution?

It certainly works well in other moderate traffic intersections around Campbell River.

If council has a quarter of a million dollars that they feel they need to spend on an automatic traffic control system, I would suggest that they focus their attention on the entrance to the Maritime Heritage Centre parking lot off Island Highway. The parking lot at the Maritime Heritage Centre is without question one of the most awkward and dangerous areas in Campbell River to access and exit. In the 10 years that I have been frequenting the area the combined traffic for the Maritime Heritage Centre, the Public Pier, and the Government Dock has put large demands on the uncontrolled intersection at Island Highway (Pier Street). And of course, on Sundays with the Farmer’s Market, the area is an absolute zoo and an accident looking for a place to happen. And last year, the welcome addition of the Aquarium to the area has exacerbated the traffic and safety issues and added further justification for a traffic control system and changes to access to the area.

The Maritime Heritage Centre/Government Dock/Public Pier/ Aquarium area is clearly a focal point for Campbell River and for tourists who visit our beautiful City and surrounds. Perhaps Council would do well to recognize the area for what it is and for what it contributes to our community and give its access and safety some well deserved priority.

Marv Everett,

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror