There are many reasons to remember our veterans

Letter to the editor from Kendra Blakely, Operation Legacy member, Revelstoke BC

To the editor;

I am a member of The War Amps Operation Legacy, which consists of young members and graduates of the Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program who are dedicated to preserving and commemorating Canada’s military heritage by teaching younger generations about our nation’s wartime history.

I have had the privilege to learn about Canada’s military heritage and also know what it is like to live without a limb – a strong bond that I share with war amputee veterans.

CHAMP was started by war amputee veterans and I want to give back to those who have given me so much.

It’s important to remember our veterans for countless reasons.

The individuals that left their families, homes and lives behind to fight for us and our country deserve more than just remembrance.

We should be thankful every day for what they went through for us.  The bravery, strength and courage it took is not something easily found.

I give all my respect to our war veterans.

I encourage all of you to learn more about Canada’s history by means of The War Amps Military Heritage Series documentaries, which can be ordered at


Kendra Blakely,

Operation Legacy Member,

Revelstoke, B.C.

Barriere Star Journal