There is much to fear

This is in regards to the letter entitled, Quit the fear mongering (The News, Oct. 4),

This is in regards to the letter entitled, Quit the fear mongering (The News, Oct. 4),

This gentleman said he has had no ill-effect from WiFi technology, but I know of people who have smoked all there lives and never got cancer … but that is little comfort for the millions of others that have died through it.

Forty years ago we were told smoking is good for us and then look what happened.

Smart meter technology has not been fully tested and they emit far more powerful WiFi pulses than a cell phone.

Thousands of people worldwide are experiencing severe health issues from these meters and people are even having to move their children out of their bedrooms.

The devices constantly and frequently pulse out  microwave readings a 1,000 times above the recommended safety levels.

John St. John, Parksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News