There is no need for expansion of alcohol sales

Did our government forget that drinking and driving is against the law?

Editor, The Times:

I have always been against selling alcohol in grocery stores.

However, I am even more disgusted to realize our government is now discussing whether alcohol should be sold in hair salons and barber shops.

Did our government forget that drinking and driving is against the law?

What is the matter with people?

I really hope those pushing for alcohol to be sold everywhere do not one day lose a family member or friend to an impaired driver.

I can attest to the devastation it causes when a family member is killed by a driver under the influence of alcohol.

Remember, you don’t have to be drunk to have your driving affected by booze.

I pray that we think before we allow other places to serve alcohol.

There are many places we can buy alcohol.

Do we really need it when we are getting our hair cut?

Phyllis Carrol

Kamloops, B.C.



Clearwater Times