There is only one way to have your say in who will be representing the Valley for the next four years

Dear editor,

It’s important that Comox Valley residents vote in the November local elections, six weeks away.


For a start, it is a four-year term, instead of three. Some say it takes four years to learn the ropes, but in the real world, if you don’t learn the ropes in the first year, you likely won’t be in the job much longer.

Representing the majority of constituents’ views is a very challenging job for elected representatives. Hard work. It is much easier to defer to the administration’s recommendations. In fact, we have seen significant erosion of democracy in our local government with the Alternative Approval Process.  An easy route for approval.

Only two to three per cent vote to oppose new taxes. The majority of elected and appointed CVRD directors are not representing the majority view – because they do not solicit input from constituents. Representing us is their fundamental role – their job as elected representatives.

This is an extremely challenging role and more than a part-time job spent in numerous meetings. They are reasonably compensated. Area CVRD representatives will earn about $200,000 in the next four years plus benefits. Worth every cent if they do the job. This above-average compensation should attract candidates who are willing to work full-time for their constituents. It is a full-time job to solicit and represent the majority view on budgets, policy and priorities. In November, elect councillors and CVRD directors who will connect with constituents and represent the majority in decisions that affect us all. This includes 20,000 low-income residents who are most impacted by new taxes and increased fees.

I’m retired, and like most retired folks, don’t need or want a full-time job. We need to elect candidates who will represent the majority view over the next four years and lead the democratic process in our local government.

Whatever your view, please vote on Nov. 15.

Phil Harrison



Comox Valley Record