There will always be people who take and don’t give

Resident wants to invite everyone to come and share the beauty of Harrison Hot Springs

Dear Editor,

I am very pleased that my comments about “Freeloaders” in Harrison got people like Mark Garside somewhat upset. It’s unfortunate that he and people like him so often take comments made by others out of context. In the interest of space I tried to be brief and to the point.

In defense of myself I never referred to “everyone” who visits Harrison Hot Springs a freeloader. My exact comment was “as taxpayers we are still paying for all the freeloaders who enjoy our village at our expense.” Just to be clear this refers to those people who in fact are “freeloaders” and yes I actually “do know” how to differentiate one from the other! Lets be honest, there are always going to be people who take and give nothing back.

As a “resident” of Harrison Hot Springs I would like to invite everyone, tourists, locals, people of all races, religion, colour, young and old to come and share the beauty of this miracle of nature that I call “My Home”.

Jim Vendenborn

Harrison Hot Springs

Agassiz Observer