There’s nothing like a little holiday

After purchasing plane tickets in March, Grand Forks Gazette reporter Cassandra Chin is finally on hoilday.

Editor’s note: This column was written before Friday’s tragedy.

It’s an itch of anticipation that leaves your fingers tapping and toes wiggling.

When your eyes are constantly drawn to the clock every few hours and that sigh that escapes from your lips when you realize it’s only been a few minutes.

It’s those mornings when you reach for your red pen to cross off another day on the calendar and the steady mental countdown in your head, repeating itself over and over again.

It’s a familiar feeling that everyone gets once in a while; you know the feeling.

Sometimes it’s a countdown to the end of a week for that long-awaited getaway, other times it’s simply for a celebratory get-together with family or friends.

For me, it’s a chance to visit friends and family back home in Toronto.

In March, when I first got my plane tickets, it seemed like July couldn’t come soon enough. However, it’s always a surprise to see the days, weeks and months fly by – June went by in a blink of an eye.

My friend flew in last week to join me for a week of galloping trips and mini-adventures around town.

We were eaten alive by blood-sucking mosquitoes at times (I can’t get over how huge they are here; huge I tell you!), while other excursions were more leisurely paced.

We certainly have a few tales to share amongst friends when we land at Pearson Airport.

It’s her first time out west and while she’ll always remain a city girl, she’s fallen in love with the easily-accessible nature, winding trails and scenic views. Though, I think she could’ve done without the crazy storms.

Regardless, it’s been fun-filled, with lots of laughter and deliciously yummy baking experiments.

As the clock continues to tick away, I get ever more antsy with a dash of giddiness. I’m looking forward to reorganizing my bookshelves, jumping on my brother’s bed and being an overall pest to him, and late-night fests with the girls.

And yes, I am already anticipating feasting on my mom’s deliciously cooked foods and working on whatever tasks my dad has planned around the house.

– Cassandra Chin is reporter for the Grand Forks Gazette

Grand Forks Gazette