They are all heroes to me


There was a time in journalism when the papers were filled with local stories of happiness and encouragement of a better future.


There was a time in journalism when the papers were filled with local stories of happiness and encouragement of a better future.

In this age of technology, we are privy to every piece of bad news.

I would like to turn the clock back for this letter.

Last month at Seniors Come Share Society, I celebrated my 64th birthday. To my surprise, many people showed up to wish me a happy birthday. The room was decorated and I was given gifts and praise beyond anything I expected.

After the celebrating was over, I had time to look at the gifts and the cards, and a thought came to mind. “Why?” What had I done to deserve such an honour, and how could I repay all of my friends for their kindness and generosity?

I then realized that repayment wasn’t the reason for their kindness. The truth is that everyone at Come Share is trying to make this world a better place to live. Every day, they work with seniors who have nowhere else to go. Each and every one of them are heroes to me.

When you think of Come Share you think of the programs they provide for your health, exercise and well-being, or maybe the notice for you to get an immunization shot, or maybe it’s the tax help.

Maybe it’s the entertainment, such as musicians or dancers. It could be the barbecue they had for seniors or just any neighbour that wanted to come. It could be that they hooked you up with a service you could not normally afford, such as housekeeping or gardening for the elderly or disabled. Has their nurse, Tannis, worked on your feet?

I live in the complex that surrounds their building, and I see their facility open long after normal working hours.

Come Share is not just programs and services; these people really care.

They have a resident angel, her name is Andrea. Over her desk is a beautiful picture of her daughter. Andrea has a heart of gold and gives me warm fuzzy feelings every time I talk with her. Ervin keeps everyone updated on the meal programs that are running, but always makes time for you if you need help.

Noleen is amazing! I have a nine-year-old daughter who has obtained super powers from her cereal and can disassemble an entire household in 10 minutes. She arrived at Noleen’s door to shell out a little of her obtained power. When she exited, she was now the head of a new department with a task to perform! I think she was calculating pi to its final decimal place.

Sean is their marketing and communications co-ordinator. I would ask him what that means, but he is always on the phone.

I have missed so many people that work in Come Share that I am thankful for.

I love you all and thank you for the years you have been involved in my life!

William Auger, Surrey



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