They’ll pay a hefty price


Re: Parking fee misses mark, Oct. 16 letters.


Re: Parking fee misses mark, Oct. 16 letters.

I recently visited White Rock and was outraged at your parking rates along Marine Drive.

I live in Calgary where we have some of the highest parking rates in the country, but after 6 p.m. it is free in most areas.

I never paid to park anywhere during my visit, not even at the busy Granville Island, but had to pay $9 to have a $360 dinner.

I also received a $30 parking ticket for being 10 minutes late, even though I was one of only nine cars parked in the entire lot.

It seems to me the merchants on Marine Drive need to pressure the City of White Rock to waive the parking fees during the evening, especially during the off-season.

Being a bit more lenient when ticketing tourists would also be a great suggestion, as I know that the small fee and ticket have resulted in my decision to avoid the beach area on my next visit. Judging by how empty the restaurants were on this evening, it would appear that they can use all the help they can in getting more business.

Too bad the city does not see it that way.

Mike Blayney, Calgary, Alta.



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