They’re Liberal in name only

Basically, the Liberals are the old ultra-Conservative party

Dear Sir:

I hear Christy Clark’s BC government wants to levy a toll on all BC’s highways and bridges. What money do they owe the Chinese? Or are they just mad at people for calling for the end of the harmony tax and this is their way of getting even with BC voters/tax payers?

The government figures the bridge tolls are worth millions and the highway ones are worth billions.

The only reason they call themselves Liberals is because after two wins by the NDP in the 90s they noticed the regular Liberal Party got more votes than the Socreds. In Skeena, Juanita Hatton in her 80s came second, even though she only appeared at the all-candidates meetings and she was too busy running the Golden Rule to extend her energy.

People in Skeena and other places just loved the name Liberal. But someone said their name change would be confused with the Ottawa Liberals so they changed themselves to BC Liberals. But they’re basically the old ultra conservative party: the Emperor is naked!

Warning: the Terrace food bank is doing a good job but they gave sugared bread out to diabetics. I don’t think they know that cheap white, brown and 60% whole wheat bread is sugar. A friend of mine calls the stuff, candy bread.

None of them are nutritious so watch out and read the label if you’re diabetic. Depending on what your health demands, watch it anyway.

Brian Gregg, Terrace, BC


Terrace Standard