Thief takes electric fencing

Several hundred feet of coiled-up and flagged hot wire “hit the road” recently

Editor, The Times:

Several hundred feet of coiled-up and flagged hot wire “hit the road” recently. Someone with “hot hands” cut below the electrical tape (which keeps the hot wire from unravelling off of the conductor) located on the inside of the fence line. The wire was located in a treed and bushy area off Highway 5, not visible from the road.

I am a low income individual who loves my animals and cares for them to the best of my ability. I use hot wire as a reinforcement to the already existing fencing because Highway 5 is on one side and another road is on the other side of the property.

The cost of the wire is not the issue. It’s theft, no matter how insignificant. Morals, ethics and courtesy are not common any longer. They seem to be lacking with each generation but, if the older generation doesn’t have them to begin with, then they are unable to teach them.

This is a prime example of why the more I know people the more I love my animals.

Vera Walker


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times