Thiel: Start off the year with a cleanse

We are now in the position that we need to do something with the Christmas season aftermath and gastronomical assault.

Now that we’ve all returned back to our normal routines, ideally, we are now placed in the position that we need to do something with the Christmas season aftermath and gastronomical assault.

Many of us, myself included, may be feeling somewhat heavier than we’re used to and somewhat sloth-like in our physiology. We knew it going in.

Let’s face it, the holiday season is a trying time.

We eat and drink more than we normally would, we don’t get enough sleep and many of us spend a great deal of time traveling throughout our holidays.

It is the time of year that we give ourselves license to treat ourselves senseless.  Now it’s a new year.

My wife and I both like to start our new year with a cleanse.

There’s a lot of misinformation about cleanses, what they can do and what they can’t.

Many cleanse manufacturers make wild claims about their product being able to fix everything from your neighbour’s barking dog to your marriage. Simply not so.

By allowing yourself an appropriate cleanse, it simply allows your body to have a quieting down time which lets you to reset your normal physiology.

It also allows you to rid yourself of some unnecessary toxins and excessive inflammatory mediators.

A cleanse should be gentle and not something you need to wear a helmet for. It should take a minimum of two weeks and at no time should you be hungry.

A cleanse is not to be confused with a fast.  A cleanse that includes caloric restriction should be avoided as this is not the intent of a good “physiological flushing.”

It should, at minimum, include components that cleanse the following systems—the lymphatic tissue, liver and  gastrointestinal tract.

You should never attempt a cleanse when you’re feeling sick or weak. The metabolic demands that are placed on the body during a cleanse are noteworthy. Therefore, if you were to commence a cleanse during a time of illness or overall lethargy, it will not be as effective.

During the first five days of a cleanse, however, you may feel somewhat “fluish,” especially if you’ve never cleansed before.

This is simply the stored toxins within your system mobilizing just prior to being eliminated.

This is a normal response and it should include subtle achiness in your muscles and the possibility of a slight headache.

This, however, is self-limiting and usually ends after the third or fifth day.

The next phase of the cleanse is followed by a sense of clarity cognitively and increased energy as your body is already beginning to function more efficiently.

There are many cleansing products on the market and it’s best you pick what is best for you.

You should consult with your health practitioner prior to beginning a cleanse especially if you are on any form of medication or suffer from a disease.

The cleanse that I’m most familiar with and the one I’ve had the most success is the Wild Rose Cleanse. I find this one to be effective because it gives you a list of foods that you can eat and, conversely, foods you should avoid.

The foods chosen for this cleanse places the body in an alkaline state, one that is far more conducive for mobilization of toxins than the opposite, an acidic state.

Most of my patients who have used this cleanse will state that they will continue these food choices as they simply feel better.

And for the love of God, stay away from cleanses that profess weight loss as these are not cleanses.

Most people will cleanse once a year, as that is sufficient if done correctly.

The quieting down  phase of the cleanse allows your body to get rid of any excess inflammation and clear your canvas for whatever you choose to paint this year.

Markus Thiel is a chiropractor practicing in Kelowna.  Questions and comments may be sent to


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