Thieves make off with precious memories

On the afternoon of Jan. 25 our home in south Aldergrove was broken into by at least two people.


On the afternoon of Jan. 25 our home in south Aldergrove was broken into by at least two people. Three doors were damaged and some items were stolen from the master bedroom, including two dark blue pillowcases which the thieves used to carry their loot.

Along with some loose change the intruders made off with an antique leaf-shaped wooden dish which was divided to hold small items and a pair of Nikon digital binoculars, minus the box and lens covers. They also took a fair bit of jewellery, most of it not of high value but of sentimental value. These include several pairs of earrings, among which was a pair of small diamond earrings. Most of the earrings were on plastic mesh squares and contained within a cedar box about 6.5″ square and 3″ high. The lid of the box had a handmade embroidered top in sea foam green with tiny pearls. My cousin made that for me, making it special. Also stolen was a stainless steel “collar” necklace, along with several pendants that can be hung on it. Many of these pendants were given to me by a lifelong friend, making them that much more special. Two rings were also taken, one of which featured a circle of teddy bear faces hammered into a silver band.

So, should any lady out there have received a Valentine’s day gift that may resemble the items above, please know they are stolen and I will recognize them if I see you wearing them. I would like them returned, no questions asked. Perhaps they could be dropped off at the community policing station.

Feeling violated? You bet. Madder than heck? Definitely.

Name withheld, Aldergrove

Aldergrove Star