Think hard and vote

Not too long ago many Canadians were complaining about the lack of transparency and accountability of our Conservative government.

Not too long ago many Canadians were complaining about the lack of transparency and accountability of our Conservative government under Stephen Harper, promises on which this government was elected.

We got the opposite, numerous scandals, Senate cover-ups, horrible treatment of veterans, muzzling of scientists, lack of consultation and debate, with huge omnibus bills being passed covering a multitude of items with little time to address them.

What was happening to our democracy? Halfway through the campaign things were not looking too good for Harper. The chips were down.

The answer to this problem, introduce fear-mongering strategies and wedge issues,  enter the wearing of the niqab, to take over the conversation and the past history is forgotten.

We had been told that the economy was the main concern of voters in this election, but now the niqab is of equal or greater national concern.

So what happened to the real problems we should be considering. For me, dealing with record temperatures, fires, floods, storms and changing climate causing so much hardship for our citizens; a little more important than the niqab I would suggest.

I believe we need to address homelessness, food security, sustainability and health care. How sre we going to tackle emissions from fossil fuels? Also, the lack of clean water for aboriginal communities, affordable housing, poverty causing even many of our working people the need to use food banks. This in one of the richest countries in the world.

All parties constantly talk about the middle-class, what about the marginalized? I don’t hear too much about refugees any more. How soon we forget the tears we shed when we looked at the body of that little Syrian child washed up on the shore.

Think on these things before casting your vote. Can’t we do better than the last eight years?

Tess CormackQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News