Think of pets in cold weather

In the cold weather, please let’s not forgot our pets.

In the cold weather, please let’s not forgot our pets.

Maybe your dog or cat is used to being outside.

But these are extreme conditions. Either bring your pet inside, or make sure they have lots of food, and shelter to get out of the cold.

I know I will hear, “Well, what about our homeless?”

They need help too but our pets rely on us for help. Animals cannot  help themselves.

Let’s not forget them out there in the cold and snow.

Farm animals like horses need blankets, and the other barn animals of course need a barn or shelter of some kind.

Let’s also not forget our feathered friends.

If you have seed, hang up a peanut butter or fat feeder mixed with seed.

Let’s help our helpless animals.

After all, are we not called man – kind.

Sandra  Denisuk

Abbotsford News