Thirteen groups get grants

Million$ + Change column by Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities.

Our last column described the process that organizations go through to apply for grants from the Phoenix Foundation. The grants committee has been meeting through these last few weeks to make the final decisions about allocating available revenues.

Twenty organizations applied for funding. Every year the number of dollars requested exceeds what is available. Unfortunately, many good project ideas remain unfunded.

The Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities is dedicated to increasing the size of our endowments so that more groups can receive help from the community grants program.

It is especially exciting this year that communities across the whole of the Boundary, from Christina Lake to Beaverdell, will benefit from the grants program.

The following 13 organizations are approved for grants this year.

Beaverdell Community Club

BMX Society

Boundary Family and Individual Services Society

Boundary Food Bank

Boundary Metis Association

Boundary Musical Theatre Society

Christina Lake Gateway Community Development

Granby Wilderness Society

Grand Forks Volunteer Firefighter’s Association

Habitat for Humanity

Midway…and Beyond Little Theatre

West Boundary Food Security Program

Whispers of Hope

Boundary Creek Times