Cellphone use while driving is out of control, says letter-writer Tom Peet.

Cellphone use while driving is out of control, says letter-writer Tom Peet.

This is no LOL matter


Today, as I slowed for a traffic signal, three cars rolled past me and I observed that all three drivers were texting.


I occasionally drive a larger-than-usual vehicle, and from my high “perch” I am afforded an often interesting look into other folks’ cars.

Today, as I slowed for a traffic signal, three cars rolled past me and I observed that all three drivers were texting – one of them with both hands.

On my daily three- to five-kilometre walks, I amuse myself by counting the number of drivers who are talking on cellphones and/or texting – commonly three or four per block. Every block.

Enforcement observed? Once, a few months ago, and I’m out walking on main thoroughfares almost every day.

It’s out of control out there, folks, and one of the talkers/texters might have your number.

Be alert!

Tom Peet, Surrey


Peace Arch News