This is not typical weather for our area, so can we just stop whining and help out?

I for one would like to thank the workers who are up and out there.

Re: All the angry people and complaints about the snow, ice, sanding, plowing, etc.

I am very tired of all the complaining. Why aren’t people out shovelling and clearing their sidewalks and walkways themselves?

If this were an earthquake, how in the world would people get by? This is just snow. We would all have to work together if this were an earthquake situation; help ourselves, our neighbours; those who can’t do it themselves. Why does a bit of snow hinder this?

I for one would like to thank the workers who are up and out there at three and four o’clock in the morning clearing and salting the roads. They probably don’t get a lot of thanks.

This is not typical weather for our area, so can we just stop the whining and complaining and help out?

Bev Fenton, Surrey


Surrey Now Leader