This place needs a cleaning

It is a shame to see so much garbage in less than half an hour driving through and around Terrace.

Dear Sir:

It is a shame to see so much garbage in less than half an hour driving through and around Terrace. Once you get on the highway either south to Kitimat, north to Kalum Lake or west to Prince George there is even more garbage.

Something needs to be done more to clean up around here, especially before the industry boom that is talked about for our areas.

I wish that just as much effort and time went into new stricter bylaws for cleaning up our schools, streets, rivers and highways around here as went into the new sign bylaws and hiring of a new bylaw officer.

I’m not against hiring another bylaw officer. I just think more time and effort needs to be redirected to city and highway clean up.

Something also needs to be done about the number of abandoned shopping carts strewn around the city.

They need to be picked up and returned to the stores by those stores as their responsibility or returned by the people who took them in the first place.

I also agree with the recent letter that said more needs to be done with the street people and panhandlers, some of whom take those shopping carts.

I would rather extra help and money be put toward dealing with panhandlers and street people instead trying to find more ways and bylaws against the business signs and the people trying to help Terrace community and the tourism here.

One way of promoting tourism and supporting businesses would be placing signs advertising business and community events in a few locations along Keith Ave./Hwy16.

Money the city collects for sign permits could be used to construct these signs.

Business owners pay for their own advertising signs and then have to pay business permit fees.

Now they face having to pay for putting up their business signs.

When and where does it stop?

Where is that sign permit money going to go?

Why do only charities or non profit groups get to advertise freely?

Businesses give donations to charity and community groups already and are helping to bring more to our community.

Therefore they should be able to be included in the third party advertising.

Virginia Goddard,

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard