This week’s Hugs & Slugs offerings from Nelson area

To the staff at Bill’s Motor-Inn who go the extra mile. From two very satisfied customers!

HUGS. To the staff at Bill’s Motor-Inn who go the extra mile. From two very satisfied customers!


Hugs. To the Nelson City Campground for welcoming us into the community long before we moved here. Kim 2013!


Slugs. To people who come from other neighbourhoods to dump their “FREE” garbage on our corner. The deal is, you can “dump” it on the corner, if it’s not gone by 4:30 p.m., you’re supposed to remove it! To the lady who swore she’d come back from “her neighbourhood” to pick up her garbage she dumped in our neighbourhood. You know who you are, I know who you are, can’t wait to see you again! Shame on you! Good thing I don’t know what neighbourhood you come from, I’d dump a five ton load on your lawn, see how you like it!             – fed up with T2T


SLUGS. To the scam-artist-stumblebum, who begs openly on Baker Street and even accosts people sitting in their parked cars. You are obviously not a Nelson person and you are NOT starving! You are a disgrace to Nelson! Get a job or get back to where you came from!


SLUGS. Last month one of our canoes was stolen from our beach, it is red and has the word Discovery on the side. Three years ago in May I used that same canoe to save two youths from drowning. It saddens me to think that some person or persons would take something that was laying out on my garden and clearly private property. The thieves obviously do not come from Nelson because every year I have all my beach property out for the season and never had any thing taken. Shame on you, please bring it back under darkness if you must just as you took it.

Nelson Star