This week’s Hugs & Slugs offerings from the Nelson area

Thank you to the mystery man who bought my friend and I lunch at Full Circle last week.

Slugs. To those who leave their garbage alongside locked dumpsters. Why is it OK to make your garbage my responsibility?


HUGS. To the amazing LVR wood shop teacher and student(s) that volunteered their time so generously to help keep an elementary school project “growing.” Thank you from the students, parents and staff at South Nelson Elementary.


Slugs. To the person who took our aluminum freight carrier, tools, parts from the snowcat used by the non-profit Koots Cat Club. Could you return them please.


SLUGS. Big slugs to the people in the navy car who think it is fine to leave a little dog in a locked car on a very warm sunny day at Lakeside. Sure the window was opened a crack but I challenge you to sit there for more than 10 minutes in the same condition and see how comfortable you are. Sad. 🙁


Slugs. To the Blewett resident who wrote that the RDCK was “trying to sneak zoning into Blewett in such a backdoor sneaky way.” The meeting was to inform residents about planning, as you were told by RDCK staff at that meeting. It had nothing to do with zoning, yet you vehemently persist. Please learn to listen. And please lighten up!


HUGS. Thank you to the mystery man who bought my friend and I lunch at Full Circle last week. Wished we could have thanked you in person. Your generosity brightened our day!


Slugs. To people who don’t obey the walk lights on Baker Street (especially by the Co-op). You are setting a bad example. Are you really in such a hurry that you can’t wait an extra minute?


Hugs. To the people who set out walking poles for people to borrow while they are hiking up Pulpit.


HUGS. Much appreciation to all the artists, farmers, local businesses, cake bakers, cheese makers,  intrepid volunteers and generous donors who believe in barrier-free access to food. Thanks for helping shed light on hunger in our community.


HUGS. 80 birthday hugs to Mary Miller, mother of nine, grandma of 16, great grandma of seven… a friend of many! Your heart is so big it will fit many more! Huge Hugs back to you from all of us. Happy 80th birthday!


SLUGS. To the mother who brags too much about their kids’ achievements. Your excitement is justified, but going overboard is not attractive. Just be more diplomatic please!


Hugs. To Lua in the floral department at Safeway for her outstanding customer service and for helping my daughter this weekend.


SLUGS. To people who back out of their driveways onto the road without checking. Be careful! You almost smacked my new car! And worse you started swearing and yelling (through glass thank god) at me cause I shook my head. If you don’t know the rules, step outta the car… its dangerous!            – grrrrrrrr


SLUGS. To golfers who chuck their butts all over the course. You wonder why smokers rights’ keep getting taken away? They should lock you all in a small room where the floor is littered with dirty disregards up to your waist. It’s gross. Stop doing it!


Nelson Star